Image Logo: People's Choice Wine awards
This is the second year of the People's Choice Wine Awards. It is the only UK based national wine awards dedicated to and judged by wine consumers. This exciting competition is a golden opportunity for suppliers and producers to learn what people really
think about their wines. It has unique categories which accurately reflect the buying decisions of the average consumer and covers all types of wines and occasions. The organisers would love you, the consumer of wines, to be part of it.
Winning wines are promoted to consumers via social media platforms, with the usual medals and trophies up for grabs. What is more unique is that these winning wines are then taken to consumer events around the country, and promoted on producers’
behalf and directly to the people who actually buy and drink the bottles.
For producers and retailers, this is a great way to reach out to the ultimate users of your product and to get feedback directly. Not only that, any positive ranking will help narrow down the channels, demography and target markets where your wines are savoured. In turn, these markets can become your brand strengths to help pursue future endeavours! Last year wines were submitted by leading supermarkets, producers and outlets such as ASDA, Waitrose, Hatch Mansfield, Bolney Wine Estates, Codorniu, Raymond Reynolds, Red Squirrel Wines, Invivo: Graham Norton Wines.
The deadline for entries is 31st August 2018 and the cost to submit is £50 per wine/category. Have a peek into People's Choice Wine Awards to get more information. Check out the vast number
of categories to apply. To submit the wines just click here
What isn't in it? It is a wine award dedicated to and dictated by consumer choices. Rather than having technical vocabulary and titles, it breaks down the wine into simply two things - what wines do you enjoy and where would you enjoy them.
To make it accessible to all around the globe, the awards will be live-streamed on Facebook in February 2019 at the UK ceremony in Manchester - so anyone can view from around the world. It will be hosted by prominent industry consumer champions and will be open to all, producers, retailers, trade and consumers.
And that's another cool part of it! These awards are promoting WSET students and enthusiasts to also apply for round 1 judge so please feel free to go into the website and apply for a judging gig. I already have! You are guaranteed a lovely time meeting like-minded wine lovers from different parts of the world! And a brilliant opportunity to tickle, test and challenge your palate.
I guarantee you that there are some hard working, experienced and supremely fun-loving wine professionals in the Round 2 that some of you will come across! Here is the list of Round 2 Judges....not to be missed. And yes...I didn't say that, I will let you find out more for yourself!! :)
Latest comments
Hi Carrie, am running the Cecchi Challenge on Thursday - I need your address to send the blind tasting samples to. Please can you email it to me?
Shouldn’t you always be giving the supermarkets a miss for wine?!? Also, wine under a tenner from Lebanon that’s worth drinking? Even the nasty product from Majestic does is more than 10.